Friday, July 24, 2009

Been sick for 3 days now...

A ha ha ha.... ha ha.....ha........ whew.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Scooped from

The Streaker 700c trick bike.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Combining pleasure with pleasure.

As seen on

What is the fascination with dicks? I'm sure this guy's hardcore rating went through the roof. His balls-to-the-wall attitude only left him with dicks on his grips.

Also, remember the Gundam post awhile back? Someone over at No Brake was kind enough to do us all a solid and represent.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


2010 LEADER frames at a badass price.

I got nothing else.

Monday, July 13, 2009

I can't stand the rain.


They look good, I can't complain about Adidas, and yeah it's kinda old news. Whatever.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bountiful Delights

First thangz first. Ateliers d'Embellie Porteur bike. Really not too bad. NOS parts, handmade. The frame is nice, I'd need this in 30 years maybe.

Also, Prolly's all up in the NY Times.

Lastly, another video:

japanese soul from MKM on Vimeo.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Just cause I was stuck inside......

Justin Taylor / AJ Austin summer mini edit from Jason Baker on Vimeo.

Thunner clap

Catch it at Prolly's blog.

It's been shitty and rainy out off and on all day. Son of a bitch.

hfwido's summer weby 09 from hfwido on Vimeo.

Work it out.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In Asia you can name a company fucking ANYTHING and it will be awesome.

VAGX? Yeah... they make bags. So what?

But... VAGX?

Just another reminder I need to live in the far east by any means necessary.

This guy knows whats up.

In other news but along the same vein Chari & Co. posted this vintage Masi, and since it's what I ride and I see all the news that's fit to pop on the internet machine, enjoy:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

More of the Bassboat....

So this is what they look like on a real live bike.... and I'm staunch in my opposition. Since when do bikes need to trick fish? This has Disco written all over it.

Seen on Fixedgeargallery

Hold Fast straps

Go to their website if ya want 'em!

From what Prolly is saying, these are the shit! As a rider whose setup cannot tolerate toe clips and therefore straps, I could really get on a pair of these. They're really more for fixed freestyle riding but my frame is bent just so much that I can't operate with regular clips, these would help a lot! I do miss my straps....